Infirmier la domiciliu (Domiciliary carer) fara comision si plecare imediata

General Group Careers

04-05-2017 | EXPIRA LA 06-05-2017

Job expirat


Asistarea clientilor in sarcini zilnice precum: trezire, culcare, imbracare, toaletare
Asistarea clientilor in mobilitatea acestora, precum si utilizarea echipamentelor speciale
Asistarea clientilor bolnavi
Ajutarea clientilor cu boli psihice prin plimbari, discutii, activitati, care sa faciliteze viata acestora
Completarea documentelor cerute de catre companie cu privire la starea clientilor
Furnizarea constanta a informatiilor catre superior
Incurajarea independentei clientilor


Nivel mediu/avansat de limba engleza
Permis de conducere categoria B
Organizat si motivat
Abilitati excelente de comunicare
Abilitatea de a lucra atat in echipa, cat si individual
Cazier judiciar curat


Salar: £8.50/h weekend: £10/h
Incepere imediata
Contract full time
Training gratuit
Oportunitate de ore suplimentare
Cazare contracost £380/luna cu toate facturile incluse
Masina de serviciu pentru care sunt decontate toate taxele si combustibilul


GGCareers is different – we put your requirements first, we listen to our clients and our candidates and we approach all our recruitment activities with a genuine commitment to maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards in the business.
If you are a client we will save you time and money by getting it right first time – we only employ experienced consultants who understand the healthcare sector, we meet our candidates, we interview them against specific job requirements and we never submit a CV that does not meet the candidate criteria. We invest heavily in candidate sourcing techniques to stay ahead of the curve and have a strong and demonstrable track record of success in recruiting ‘difficult to fill’ roles throughout the UK and Ireland.
If you are a candidate we will always maintain your confidentiality, we will never submit your details to a third party without your permission, we will be open and honest about every vacancy and we will only talk to you about roles that match your requirements. We deal with a lot of great companies and recruit a lot of unique roles and our consultants are specialists so they will be able to advise you properly.

General Group Careers is a specialist recruitment division recruiting across the UK, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. We operate to the highest professional standards, and are part of MF&MA General Group Ltd a multi award winning professional recruitment company established in 2004 .