Group Leader convenience stores

SC GreenlandUAE SRL

26-08-2015 | EXPIRA LA 25-09-2015

Job expirat


Greenland Romania recruteaza personal pentru convenience stores PANDA (minimarkets+gas station) din Regatul Arabiei Saudite (KSA) pentru pozitia de :


Se cere buna experienta in domeniu 3-5 ani in supermarket/hypermarket de tipul Auchan, Billa, Kaufland, Selgros, Metro sau minimarket+benzinarie.
Cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel avansat.Limba de lucru va fi limba engleza.


BENEFICII: Conditii de lucru excelente. Mediu de lucru international. Salarizare foarte buna si beneficii substantiale. Salariul si beneficiile se vor negocia individual in timpul interviului.
Compania noastra, specializata in servicii complete de HR, nu percepe comision de intermediere.
Toate aspectele legale referitoare la contract (viza, acte, bilet de avion) sunt suportate de angajator.
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa trimita un CV in LIMBA ENGLEZA la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail: cvat

Panda, our client, is a well trusted hypermarket with more than 30 years experience and 84 branches around the Gulf area and 250 convenience stores. It guarantees professional development, challenging new opportunities and financial and job security.


Greenland is a leading HR consulting and outsourcing firm backed by rich resources, proficiency and a global reach that ensures solving the most persistent and difficult HR problems that are faced by modern day organizations throughout the business world. We combine unmatched experience, wide-ranging capabilities across all industries, business functions, and far-reaching research on the world’s most fruitful companies while pooling resources with clients to help them become efficient businesses.