Job expirat
Transportul din Ro spre Austria este suportat de muncitor.
Angajatorul ofera cazare:o camera cu 3-4 paturi, o baie independenta+bucatarie comuna(180euro/luna)
Ore lucrate;10 h/zi;50 h/sapt
Munca se desfasoara pe santier;se incepe de la ora 7:00 pana la 18:00
Muncitori calificati si necalificati pentru munca pe santier
Dupa 2 sapt de proba,salariile pot fi renegociate
EWR is a company based in Medias, Romania. Founded in 2015, the company was built on the premise of providing exceptional value to our customers.
EWR strives to render services of the highest quality to its customers. We have a unique way of doing things. It’s how we collaborate, operate and deliver value for our customers and business partners. It is grounded in our core values, shared business ethics and uncompromising standards for high performance.
Our mission is to deliver professional excellence, respect and