Job expirat
• Efectuarea analizelor de laborator pentru determinarea indiciilor de calitate atat la receptia semintelor cat si in timpul procesarii;
• Verificarea starii calitative si de pastrare a loturilor de seminte;
• Intocmirea in urma analizelor documentele care atesta cantitatea si calitatea semintelor receptionate, procesate;
• Intocmirea declaratiilor de certificare a loturilor de samanta in conformitate cu ordinul de procesare.
• Experienta pe un post similar de minim 1 an;
• Studii medii absolvite;
• Cunostinte de utilizare a calculatorului;
• Capacitatea de analiza si sinteza;
• Cunoasterea limbii engleze reprezinta avantaj.
• Salariu motivant;
• Echipa dinamica.
We are a Romanian company and since 2004 we have been managing to prove by our results that combining the professional experience with the seriousness and the involvement is the solution to build a durable relationship with our partners. The values that lead our activity: Team integrity in the relation with our clients, candidates and stakeholders; Continuous improvement of the quality and the efficiency of the fulfilled projects; Positive attitude 100% oriented towards the client.
We represent the main integrated HR services provider within Western Romania, our position being valued with 1st Prize awarded within the last 5 years by the National Chamber of Commerce.
Our clients, national and multinational companies that develop their activity in the country and abroad have remained faithful to the services we offer and together we have managed to develop and become better and better in what we do. Our clients come from various fields, such as: ENGINERRING/AUTOMOTIVE, IT&C, FMCG, SERVICE CENTER, SALES, LOGISTICS