Assembly Coordinator

Adept Human Resources

22-10-2015 | EXPIRA LA 21-11-2015

Job expirat


 He will be in charge of coordinating the assembly team in our company, making sure that the products produced on our assembly lines are in the quality, quantity and at the time our clients ordered them.
 He is responsible of fulfilling personal targets, as well as the department targets.
 He must motivate the members of the team, so that best results are achieved.
 He is involved in improvement processes, and gives all support to project leaders developing the projects.


 The ideal candidate is an engineer with over 3 years of experience in coordinating large teams. The experience must be in automotive companies in a production department with assembly lines.
 He has very good organization skills and he is proactive, an excellent team player, able to make fast decisions but also open minded, reliable and determined.
 He easily uses lean manufacturing tools; can calculate, interpret and improve OEE, has successfully used problem solving tools like Ishikawa and/or 5-Why-analyse.
 Also he has experience in moderating discussions.
 Our candidate should have good communications skills, English at an advanced level is a must, and German is an advantage.
 Other advantage is SAP knowledge.


Adept Human Resources ofera o gama flexibila de servicii de recrutare. Echipa noastra de consultanti este specializata in identificarea si atragerea talentelor pentru diverse roluri intr-un numar mare de industrii. Ne mandrim cu experienta si cunostintele acumulate atat in ceea ce priveste candidatii, cat si clientii, in industriile in care ne focusam. Avand in vedere know-how-ul acumulat de Consultantii nostri de-a lungul timpului, putem oferi o solutie in orice situatie.

Scopul nostru este sa construim parteneriate cu clientii nostri, nu sa actionam ca un simplu furnizor. Reusim sa facem acest lucru plecand de la o intelegere in profunzime a afacerii dezvoltate de catre acestia, a mediului in care activeaza si a cerintelor lor specifice. Ca rezultat, oferim un serviciu profesionist, personalizat si eficient din punct de vedere al costurilor.