Job expirat
Alatura-te unei companii multinationale de renume mondial ca Director de Productie unde vei avea responsabilitatea :
- de a conduce activitatile de productie, de a coordona
- de a oferi suport unei echipe de 160 de oameni aflata in plina dezvoltare
- de a urmari respectarea termenelor limita si de a asigura calitatea procesului de productie.
Clientul nostru este una dintre cele mai importante companii in domeniul echipamentelor de gaz, prezenta pe piata mondiala de peste 50 de ani cu puternica activitate in peste 38 de tari. Compania se afla in Romania din anul 2006.
Ti se ofera posibilitatea :
- unui contract de munca avantajos,
- traininguri de specialitate in Italia,
- cursuri de limba italiana
- un salariu care te poate motiva in dezvoltarea ta profesionala fiind negocialbil in interviul final cu angajatorul, in functie de experienta, motivatia si asteptarile tale.
Poti trimite aplicatia ta si la adresa de mail :
Register your CV at in order to gain insight of the contemporary world of work and have direct access to the opportunies that meet your career path!
Manpower is reinventing the employment services industry by helping employers and individuals adopt new approaches to the evolving world of work.
Manpower calls this approach Contemporary Working.
Contemporary working is about what’s now and what’s next in the world of work. Manpower offers insight and advice that enable clients and candidates to make the right choices and make the most of what’s happening now and what is coming next in the changing world of work.
Manpower Professional – our line of business dedicated for specialists and management level. Creating opportunity. Guiding careers. Providing insightful solutions.
Our global network of over 4,500 offices in 80 countries and territories allows us to meet the needs of our clients in all industry segments, whether they are global, multi-national or local companies.
Head Quarter
Str. Ion Campineanu, Nr. 11, Union International Center, Etaj 2, Sector 1, Cod 010031
Tel: (+40.21) 312.18.98; Fax: (+40.21) 312.18.87
Professional Branch
Str. Ion Campineanu, Nr. 11, Union Center, Etaj 2, Sector 1, Cod 010031, Bucuresti
Email :
Tel: (+40.21) 312 36 18 ; Fax: (+40.21) 312 36 76
Bucharest Admin Branch
Str. Gh.Manu, Nr.5, Atlantis Center, etaj 1, Sector 1, Cod 010442
Tel: (+4021) 650.00.80; Fax: (+4021)650.00.87
Bucharest Industry Branch
B-dul Unirii, Nr. 18, Sector 4, Cod 040107
Tel: (+4021)301.85.40; Fax: (+4021)301.85.41
Timisoara Branch
Str. Medicinei, Nr. 1B, Cod 300041 Timisoara
E-mail: Tel: (+40 256) 309 481; Fax: (+40 256) 309 482
Brasov Branch
B-dul Grivitei, Nr.42, Cod 500182, Brasov
Tel: (+40.268) 424. 296; Fax: (+40.268) 428.850
Cluj-Napoca Branch
Str. Govora, Nr. 8, Cod 400664, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail :
Tel: (+40.264) 442.744; (+40.264) 425.330; Fax: (+40.264) 442.911
Iasi Branch
Str. Lascar Catargi, Nr. 37, Cod 700107, Iasi
E-mail :
Tel: (+40.232) 260.990; Fax: (+40.232) 260.991