Director Productie Brasov


28-09-2008 | EXPIRA LA 04-10-2008

Job expirat


- Se asigura de bunul mers al productiei conform standardelor ISO 9000 , atat din punct de vedere al fluxului tehnologic cat si al standaredelor de calitate
- Se asigura ca productia este in termen
- Coordoneaza activitatea din productie, mentine disciplina in ceea ce priveste personalul din subordine
- Propune idei de imbunatatire a productiei si le implementeaza pentru a se asigura de eficienta si siguranta.
- Urmeaza procedurile si normele interne in ceea ce priveste stocurile, achizitiile pentru asigurarea procesului de productie.
- Urmareste si se implica in activitatile de dezvolatre profesionala a personalului din subordine asigurandu-le suport permanent
- Este in permanenta legatura cu departamentul de vanzari si cu cel de achizitii.


- Absolvent de studii superioare in domeniul tehnic
- Bune cunsotinte de operare PC
- Experienta in coordonarea produtiei dar si in coordonarea unui efectiv mare de angajati
- Cunostine despre 5S, SPC, ISO9000
- Doritor sa lucreze intr-un mediu de lucru la standarde occidentale
- Fluenta in vorbirea limbii engleze


- Pachet salarial foarte motivant
- Posibilitate de afirmare in cadrul unei companii multinationale


Manpower is reinventing the employment services industry by helping employers and individuals adopt new approaches to the evolving world of work.
Manpower calls this approach Contemporary Working.
Contemporary working is about what s now and what s next in the world of work. Manpower offers insight and advice that enable clients and candidates to make the right choices and make the most of what s happening now and what is coming next in the changing world of work.
Manpower Professional-our line of business dedicated for specialists and management level. Creating opportunity. Guiding careers. Providing insightful solutions.
Our global network of over 4,400 offices in 73 countries and territories allows us to meet the needs of our clients in all industry segments, whether they are global, multi-national or local companies

Head Quarter
Str. Ion Campineanu, Nr. 11, Union International Center, Etaj 2, Sector 1, Cod 010031
Tel: (+40.21) 312.18.98; Fax: (+40.21) 312.18.87

Professional Branch
Str. Ion Campineanu, Nr. 11, Union Center, Etaj 2, Sector 1, Cod 010031, Bucuresti
Email :
Tel: (+40.21) 312 36 18 ; Fax: (+40.21) 312 36 76

Bucharest Admin Branch
Str. Gh.Manu, Nr.5, Atlantis Center, etaj 1, Sector 1, Cod 010442
Tel: (+4021) 650.00.80; Fax: (+4021)650.00.87

Bucharest Industry Branch
B-dul Unirii, Nr. 18, Sector 4, Cod 040107
Tel: (+4021)301.85.40; Fax: (+4021)301.85.41

Timisoara Branch
Str. Medicinei, Nr. 1B, Cod 300041 Timisoara
E-mail: Tel: (+40 256) 309 481; Fax: (+40 256) 309 482

Brasov Branch
B-dul Grivitei, Nr.42, Cod 500182, Brasov
Tel: (+40.268) 424. 296; Fax: (+40.268) 428.850

Cluj Branch
Str. Govora, Nr. 8, Cod 400664, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail :
Tel: (+40.264) 442.744; (+40.264) 425.330; Fax: (+40.264) 442.911

National Branch
Str. Ion Campineanu, Nr. 11, Union Center, Etaj 2, Sector 1, Cod 010031, Bucuresti
Email :
Tel: (+40.21)312.30.32 ; Fax: (+40.21)312.02.92