Septerra Recruitment

15-08-2014 | EXPIRA LA 14-09-2014

Job expirat


Recrutam pentru clientul nostru, un renumit grup de firme din Brasov, candidati pentru postul de lacatus pentru instalatii electrice. Se asigura in mod gratuit cazare si transport pentru perioada detasarilor.
Pentru detasarile in saniterele din Romania se ofera in plus fata de salariu o diurna de 16 lei pentru fiecare zi lucrata. Cazarea este suportata de angajator si se face in apartamente de 2-3 camere, cu cate 2-3 persoane in camera. Nu se fac cazari in baraci. Transportul este de asemenea suportat de angajator.
O data la doua saptamani se asigura transport gratuit in Brasov. Se ofera gratuit echipament de lucru.
• Responsabilitati:
- Realizarea in conditii de calitate a lucrarilor de lacatuserie la obiectivele din tara la care este repartizat;


Studii medii in de specialitate sau calificare in meserie;
- Minim un an exprienta in realizarea lucrarilor de lacatuserie pentru instalatii electrice;
- Disponibilitate pentru deplasari in tara;
- Persoana foarte bine organizata si meticuloasa, capabila sa finalizeze sarcinile in termenul stabilit;
- Capacitate de adaptare rapida intr-un nou colectiv;
- Disponibilitate pentru program de santier;
- Rezistenta la stres;


cazare gratuita
transport gratuit
echipament de lucru gratuit


Septerra, a ten years experienced company, is an accredited Recruitment agency specialized in recruitment and personnel selection, being one of the most valuable companies from its field of activity; providing quality recruitment services for numerous companies, taking pride on the excellence of provided services, and making customer satisfaction a number one priority.

Our main objective is to make a significant contribution to the extension of the Recruitment and Human Resources market in Romania, promoting capable and valuable professionals and providing to our business partners the best staffing solutions. We recruit for our partners in various fields of activities, such as: Hospitality, Health, IT, Construction, Engineering, Sales, Commercial etc and even cultural exchange programmes, AU PAIR programs and volunteering with permanent or project based contracts in: UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Czech Republic.

Our services are available both for the companies who wish to employ staff, or human resources and recruitment companies who are looking for the right people for their clients, and also for the candidates who wish to find the most suited jobs for their skills and experience.

Our partners are strong brand companies specialized in Human Resources and Personnel selection from EU and USA who provide with quality and dedication the best recruitment solutions for their clients. Our experienced and dedicated team of consultants will provide excellent services to those who wish to relocate, work and travel abroad.

More details about Septerra and the available jobs on .