Job expirat
- Working according to the concepts provided (if necessary).
- Creating preproduction images of the game elements.
- Creating attractive digital characters and/or environments.
for this position a portfolio is required. Otherwise, the candidate will be given an assignment to test his/her level of skills.
- Experience with Autodesk 3D Studio Max or similar software, basic and advanced modeling, rigging, texturing and animation. (Characters and/or environment)
- Experience animating characters with full body morphs.
- Attention to deadlines, able to successfully handle tasks
- Ability to range across numerous genres.
- Ability to adapt to the client's requirements regarding the target.
- Strong attention to detail.
- Good English skills.
- Interest in the games industry.
- Game development expertise is a plus
- O organizatie unde primeaza respectarea angajamentelor
- Un pachet de beneficii atractiv diferentiat in functie de contributia la realizarea obiectivelor organizatiei
- Timp si mijloace pentru instruire si autoinstruire (pregatire si formare profesionala)
- Posibilitatea de a participa activ la dezvoltarea organizatiei in ansamblul ei
- Un colectiv unit si motivat
- Un mediu de lucru civilizat
- Oferim suport in caz de relocare
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