Account Manager with Advanced English

UPA Solutions

06-06-2017 | EXPIRA LA 06-07-2017

Job expirat


• Responsible for delivering to agreed service levels, and define key performance indicators/project milestones;
• Review client reports: check for accuracy, transmit to client on time, and confirm receipt;
• Review Key Performance Indicators from previous day and identify areas of opportunity that need to be addressed with Operations;
• Review client reports: check for accuracy, transmit to client on time, and confirm receipt;
• Review Key Performance Indicators from previous day and identify areas of opportunity that need to be addressed with Operations;
• Ensures quality targets laid out are met for the processes owned;
• Will work with the Human Resources Department on getting the right people with the right skill sets for the job;
• Ensure timeliness and accuracy of invoicing and need to be sent to client on a monthly basis;
• Ensures Training Needs Identification is done regularly for all team members;
• Ensures Reward /Recognition for top performers and significant contributors;
• Motivates and builds the skills of the team.


• Experience in people management;
• Advanced level of English;
• Proficiency in MS office applications;
• Coaching skills;
• Effective time management.


• Attractive salary package;
• Pleasant working environment;
• Opportunity to work in a multinational company.


UPA Solutions este o companie romaneasca ce oferă o gamă largă de servicii printre care furnizarea de servicii de recrutare, selecție de personal și formare profesională.

Compania aflată în continuă dezvoltare are în prezent un număr de 12 colaboratori în patru centre de contact, Bucureşti, Botoşani, Brăila şi Alba Iulia, urmând să deschidă în perioada următoare, noi puncte de lucru. Expertiza echipei din cadrul UPA Solutions în domeniul serviciilor de resurse umane permite companiei noastre să asigure servicii de calitate alături de garanția identificării candidaților potriviți dinamicii companiilor-client.

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