21-01-2014 | EXPIRA LA 20-02-2014
Job expirat
Initially: contributes to the transfer in Bucharest of accounting production currently performed in France:
Training with the French experts;
Drives the parallel run in Bucharest;
Trains the local resources hired later in Bucharest to deal with production tasks.
At a later stage:
Manages a production team (+/- 8 staff) who handles with French accounting production on several entities;
Contributes to the relevant projects regarding process enhancement;
Locally accountable of the quality of the team’s deliveries (daily accounting processes, closing process, regulatory reports for some entities, fiscal reports, consolidation reports for consolidate entities);
Key contact for French central accounting supervision team.
Superior - Strong academic record, in Accounting, Finance, (Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest);
Minimum 4-5 years of relevant experience in accounting activity;
Experience in team management is required;
IFRS Knowledge;
Consolidation reporting including inter-companies reconciliation;
An experience within an audit firm (Big 4) would be appreciated.
BRD - Groupe Societe Generale este a doua banca romaneasca, dupa activele bancare.
Cu o capitalizare de 3,5 miliarde euro la sfarsitul lunii aprilie 2006, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale detine prima pozitie, conform acestui indicator, intre societatile din domeniul financiar, listate la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti si a doua pozitie dupa acelasi nivel al capitalizarii bursiere daca luam in considerare toate companiile listate la BVB, indiferent de domeniu.