Bulgarian Translator

MNT Healthcare Europe SRL

15-08-2014 | EXPIRA LA 15-08-2014

Job expirat


We are looking for experienced bulgarian translators.


Ability to read and write;
Good command of English, French, Spanish etc language;
Abilities and dedication for medical translation field;
Certain skills to provide a reliable translation;
good command of computer skills

Knowledge of terminology in specialized fields;
Ability to finalize the translation by the specified deadline and according to translation specifications;
Use references materials and specialists/consultants from the local representative office which will use your translation;

Medical translators must have knowledge about medical terminology and different preparations, their brand names and substitutes. A medical translator will be required to perform a number of duties for example translating the 'how to use' directions or to maintain medical records for insurance companies and physicians. They might also be called in to translate medical brochures or after care information a proficiency in medical abbreviations and terminology is expected.


MNT Healthcare Europe, companie din cadrul Bozlu Holding, reprezentanta a companiei medicale MNT, lider pe piata medicinei nucleare si radioterapiei in Turcia, cu o experienta de 23 de ani in dezvoltarea, organizarea si managementul clinicilor medicale de profil.

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