Job expirat
Responsible for the evaluation, prevention, and negotiation of claims related to construction projects
Reviews, investigates, and appraises claims to determine merit; reviews and analyzes drawings, specifications, change orders, submittals, schedules, and other project documents for this purpose
Evaluates and appraises complex claims for delays, disruption, acceleration, wrongful termination, unforeseen site conditions, changes in scope, subcontractor pass-through, lost profits, and owner liquidated damages
Helps negotiate in order to resolve disputes regarding true value of submitted claims
Advises management on the status of claims; participates in the preparation of reports for management regarding submitted claims
Proposes revisions, technical specifications and policies and procedures to improve efficiency, reduce costs
Assists in planning and developing objectives for claims prevention.
• 5 years’+ experience analyzing construction claims on large commercial and/or public construction projects
• Bachelor’s degree in architecture, engineering, urban planning, construction management or closely related field
• Understanding of general principles and practices of building construction and building materials used in construction
• Knowledge of construction contract administration, claims analysis and resolution
• Knowledge of professional services agreements, bidding documents, and contractual requirements applicable to public works projects.
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ABC Human Capital – Agentie de recrutare & Executive Search, dezvolta din anul 2005 proiecte de headhunting si recrutare pentru mai mult de 250 de companii prezente pe piata din Romania. Majoritatea proiectelor derulate de agentia noastra se adreseaza pozitiilor de middle si top management, insa compania are experienta si in recrutarea de personal pentru posturi entry level.
Gama serviciilor noastre este alcatuita astfel incat sa raspunda nevoilor companiilor client ― de la selectia si recrutarea personalului, pana la evaluarea profesionala a candidatilor sau a personalului angajat, precum si implementarea de programe de sustinere a persoanelor vizate readaptarii la noile exigente ale pietei fortei de munca.
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