Job expirat
Develop the overall data migration strategy and act as subject matter expert on data migration stream;
Coordinate all business and IT related data migration activities from the bank‘s perspective:
Alignment and sign-off of data migration strategy and conceptual documents
Ensure completeness and consistency of data conversion/mapping tables
Align time plans and resources needed for data migration activities with respective subprojects
Resolve data migration related issues (e.g. resource bottlenecks, data quality,…)
Alignment and tracking of bank wide data cleansing activities
Development of appropriate business and financial data reconciliation architecture and procedures
Establishe a proper organization of the cut-over weekend (at bank‘s side)
Sign-off of data migration and reconciliation results (based on qualitative and quantitative metrics)
Resolution of data migration defects
Represent bank‘s interests in all data migration related activities with respect to the CBS provider;
Ensure sufficient data migration testing, data reconciliation, proper preparation and dry runs of cut-over weekend as well as the availability of a tested fall-back strategy;
Update migration standard processes for continuous improvements in the data conversion standard processes;
Define the data migration qualitative and quantitative metrics and ensure the imposed time constraints are met;
Manage project teams’ compilation and reporting efforts on metrics for data migration and validation for each milestone event within the implementation.
Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.
“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii