Director Comercial

Grafton Recruitment

12-11-2007 | EXPIRA LA 12-12-2007

Job expirat


Coordonarea activitatii in Bucuresti si in celelalte orase
Responsabil de realizarea cifrei de afaceri previzionate
Monitorizarea regulata a situatiei vanzarilor si distributiei produselor
Pastrarea permanenta a legaturii cu clientii existenti
Responsabil cu dezvoltarea portofoliului de clienti


Grafton Romania recruteaza pentru clientul sau Miniblu pozitia de Director Comercial.

Experienta pe o pozitie similara minim 2 ani
Persoana proactiva, orientata catre rezultate
Abilitati excelente de comunicare
Experienta de coordonare a unei echipe
Disponibilitatea de a calatori in tara
Personalitate independenta
Spirit antreprenorial, initiativa


Founded in 1982, Grafton Recruitment has established itself as a world class provider of recruitment solutions. Grafton has experienced an impressive growth pattern in the last five years. The network has built to a total of 59 branch operations spanning 15 different countries including the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Chile, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Portugal, France, Austria, Belgium, Turkey, Romania and the UAE.
Now we offer permanent, contract and temporary vacancies in several areas. We have assembled an impressive team of specialist resources and consultants with either specific expertise in their own fields or from human resources area: International , Finance, Accounting and Banking , Human Resources and Law ,Office Services , Pharmaceutical ,Catering and Hospitality , Sales and Marketing , Blue Collars, Temporary Staffing
We are the member of several expertise organizations and associations. In 2002 Grafton Recruitment has been awarded by the Queen´s Award for International Trade.