Job expirat
Postul de Director Economic este disponibil in cadrul uneia dintre marile companii de telecomunicatii active in Romania.
Rolul Directorului Economic este:
- sa asigure buna desfasurare a tuturor operatiunilor din departamentele Contabilitate si Taxe
- sa asigure conformitatea cu toate prevederile legale si indeplinirea tuturor obligatiilor fata de statul roman si actionari in mod corect si la timp
- sa monitorizeze modificarile mediului legislativ si sa faca o analiza a impactului asupra afacerii
- sa ofere top managementului informatii si sa formuleze recomandari cu privire la optimizarea activitatilor ce tine de contabilitate si fiscalitate
- sa coordoneze, motiveze si sa dezvolte echipa (peste 20 de persoane la sediul central, peste 70 de persoane in toata tara)
- sa gestioneze relatia cu autoritatile.
Candidatii potriviti indeplinesc urmatoarele cerinte:
- studii de specialitate
- experienta intr-un post de Contabil Sef sau Director Economic de minim 3 ani
- experienta in conducerea echipelor de mari dimensiuni
- abilitati excelente de comunicare
- spirit organizatoric si initiativa
- confort in relatia cu top managementul
- viziune antreprenoriala
- capacitatea de a insufla si mentine spirit de echipa, unitate, echitate si un nivel inalt de motivatie in randul subordonatilor.
Flexibil, in functie de competentele persoanei.
KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services with an industry focus. The aim of KPMG member firms is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of their clients, people and the capital markets. We operate in 148 countries and have 113,000 people working in member firms around the world. KPMG established its first office in Romania in 1994, and in the Republic of Moldova in 1997. We now operate from three offices in Bucharest, Timisoara and Kishinev and are one of the leading professional services firms on the Romanian and Moldovan markets.
We think KPMG has a great deal to offer to young graduates. Things like first-class technology. Competitive compensation. A commitment to your personal development and continuous learning. And most of all, the opportunity to learn from our experienced business advisors ? while you work with our clients most of them large local and international companies.
What makes KPMG different from other companies? Ask people who work for us and you will find out that the openness of our culture is encouraging and stimulating. Immediate friendliness and welcome found at KPMG are key reasons why people join us.