Job expirat
-Supervises, coordinates and advises the accounting team, in order to ensure accurate and complete financial and accounting records
- Coordinates the monthly general accounting tasks (GL accounts maintenance, journal entries, closing activities, reporting, etc.), Asset Accounting (capitalization, depreciation, amortization) and Cash Accounting.
- Responsible for all information, data processing and effectiveness of Accounts Payables function and Accounts Receivables function;
- In charge with the reconciliation of trade accounts payables and trade accounts receivables on a monthly basis; Follow up closely differences and exceptions reports and propose action plans to the Accounting manager and Treasury manager
- Ensure timely month end closing; Ensure accuracy and completeness of accruals and provisions on a monthly basis;
- Up-date the local accounting SOPs
- Review with Accounting Manager and Tax Supervisor the statutory accounting policies for adequacy as per OMF 1752 /2005
-Ensure segregation of duties for accounting team (tasks allocation, systems access rights)
- Close collaboration with reporting team, corroboration of month-end activities
- Participate in the reconciliation process between statutory and IFRS accounts, addressing reporting requirements
- Support Tax Supervisor on TP file preparation for Romanian legal entities
- Ensure clear job description and task allocation for all direct reports
-Train and coach accountants for performing their tasks. This also includes induction for joiners
- Review direct reports performance on a regular basis; provide feedback on regular basis for emphasize clear expectation on performance
-Ensure backup in place for all accounting team members & detail process documentation is in place for key processes
-Cross functional teamwork: Finance, Commercial, IT, Technical, Supply chain
- Economical Degree; ACCA or CECAR is a plus;
- Minimum 5-6 years working experience in a multinational company in retail/FMCG and/or Big 4 is an advantage;
- Very good knowledge of accounting rules and regulations;
- Good IFRS knowledge and sound knowledge of relevant fiscal legislation;
- Excellent MS Office knowledge;
- Experience in project management and SAP implementation is a plus;
- English language/written knowledge it¿¿¿s a must
- Excellent planning & organizing, analysis skills
- Dynamic person with business skills and willing to learn and develop
-Must be able to work independently and possess good inter-personal and communication skills;
- Ability to manage multiple projects in the same time and to work under tight deadlines;
- Management and coordination skills, communicative, assertive, problem solving.
Adecco este lider mondial in domeniul resurselor umane, avand deschise peste 6.600 de birouri in 70 de tari ale lumii.
Fondat in Elvetia la 20 August 1996 ca urmare a fuziunii companiilor Adia (infiintata in 1957) si ECCO (infiintanta in 1964), Adecco este administrat de o echipa multinationala ce dispune de o remarcabila experienta in domeniu.
Zilnic, peste 700.000 de persoane isi gasesc un loc de munca prin reteaua Adecco, ca urmare a gamei de servicii personalizate oferite celor peste 250.000 de clienti.
Conform clasamentului intocmit de prestigioasa publicatie Forbes, Adecco este in prezent, una dintre cele 500 de mari companii din lume.
Adecco este cotat la bursele NYSE (ADO), Swiss Exchange (ADEN) si EURONEXT Premier Marche.
Adecco in Romania
Misiune: asigurarea succesului profesional intr-o lume in continua schimbare.
Adecco ofera zilnic solutii flexibile si adaptarea legislatiei in vigoare reusind, urmare a cererilor inregistrate, sa ofere candidatilor sai peste 6.000 de noi locuri de munca, in doar 6 ani de la infiintare.
La baza succesului inregistrat se afla transpunerea in practica a valorilor grupului:
- onestitate si integritate;
- responsabilitate sociala;
- orientare spre nevoile clientului;
- inovatie si creativitate;
- comunicare si spirit de echipa;
- transparenta;
- deplina legalitate