Job expirat
We are a technical recruitment agency based in Bucharest, working on highly specialized technologies for permanent positions.
The HR internship role requires entry level tasks within complex and innovative recruitment & consulting projects and will work under the mentorship of one of the consultants.
The tasks will involve: upload and administrate information in Adept database. Online research,CV screening, identifying online communities, conducting phone interviews, scheduling interviews, etc.
We are looking for a student in the final year / graduate who fits the following:
• Strong interest in building a career in HR
• Excellent online searching skills
• Fluency in English
• MS Excel skills
• Attention to details and great capacity to organize information
Other info:
This is a paid internship, with a duration of 3 months. Depending on your performance and the actual business demands, the collaboration can be extended.
Adept Human Resources ofera o gama flexibila de servicii de recrutare. Echipa noastra de consultanti este specializata in identificarea si atragerea talentelor pentru diverse roluri intr-un numar mare de industrii. Ne mandrim cu experienta si cunostintele acumulate atat in ceea ce priveste candidatii, cat si clientii, in industriile in care ne focusam. Avand in vedere know-how-ul acumulat de Consultantii nostri de-a lungul timpului, putem oferi o solutie in orice situatie.
Scopul nostru este sa construim parteneriate cu clientii nostri, nu sa actionam ca un simplu furnizor. Reusim sa facem acest lucru plecand de la o intelegere in profunzime a afacerii dezvoltate de catre acestia, a mediului in care activeaza si a cerintelor lor specifice. Ca rezultat, oferim un serviciu profesionist, personalizat si eficient din punct de vedere al costurilor.