Inginer tehnolog industria alimentara

SC Convenience PROD SRL

07-12-2017 | EXPIRA LA 06-01-2018

Job expirat


Descrierea jobului

- coordoneaza si supravegheaza activitatea de productie in zona de responsabilitate;
- urmareste respectarea parametrilor de calitate ai materiilor prime sau produselor finite pe intreg procesul tehnologic si propune masuri de imbunatatire a calitatii ori de cate ori este necesar;
- urmareste aprovizionarea sectiei cu materiile prime necesare procesului de productie;
- urmareste zilnic consumul de materii prime, materiale si incadrarea in consumul specific normat;
- analizeaza procesul de fabricatie si propune metode de marire a productivitatii;
- urmareste procedurile tehnologice (retete, flux tehnologic) pentru fabricarea diverselor produse;
- raspunde de buna desfasurare a activitatii de productie;


Candidatul ideal

Candidatul ideal
- Studii superioare finalizate in domeniul industriei alimentare (TPPA, CEPA)
- Bune cunostinte operare PC;
- Independenta si incredere in sine;
- Persoana energica;
- Flexibiliate;
- Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare, relationare, organizare si planificare;
- Capacitate de analiza si sinteza;
- Abilitati in lucrul cu subordonati: coordonare, motivare, gestionare conflicte
- Disponibilitate la program in ture;
- Limba engleza sau germana
- Corectitudine, atentie la detalii.



- Pachet salarial atractiv
- Bonuri de masa
- Transport asigurat din Bucuresti



At the base of all the brands and products produced by Gierlinger Holding lies the commitment to comply with a maximum level of quality. This involves the entire process, starting with the raw materials, continuing with the ingredients and the processing phase and finishing with packaging. The market for these products is basically represented by all of Europe. This guarantees the delivery of the best ingredients in the areas that best meet the necessary conditions for this purpose.

To us, quality also means providing the consumer with the desired quantities, making available the most practical packaging solutions and offering a unique taste experience. This is why we use the most natural ingredients and we avoid using flavor enhancers and preservatives. Our goods are vacuum packed or frozen.

The third quality criterion of our company is the quality of the relationship with our partners in the commercial sector: perfect logistics, the best possible support in the presentation activity and the most attractive packaging adapted for your shelf.