IT Analyst


16-09-2016 | EXPIRA LA 16-10-2016

Job expirat


Discuss with business users and gather business requirements;
Creates corresponding functional requirements as an input to application design;
Deliver best in class, operable and sustainable Business Solutions with an optimal balance and integration between the different elements : Applications, Infrastructure, Data, Business Processes, Business Organization, IT Organization;
Support the Change Management team (Communication, Organization transformation, provide the application training content for end users etc), during the project and also after the post implementation;
Create Test cases and follow the test process according to the changes developed;
Provides day to day functional support, application administration & troubleshooting (L2) for the Operating Company, in the context of the overall
Operational Support Organization in place, in liaison with the Centre of Excellence (L3) or external partners;
Proactively identifies and proposes business process and/or system enhancements to provide additional Business capabilities with a clear Business Case in collaboration with CoE;
Follows applicable Standards, Procedures, Guidelines and Methodologies in the implementation and/or maintenance of the applications in the responsible areas;
Follow procedures and create documents in respect to the Project Management process;
Leads training sessions for the end users complementary and in collaboration with CoE.


Bachelor degree, preferable in IT, Technical or Finance;
1 to 3 years relevant experience in an IT function
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (especially Excel);
Experience with relational databases using SQL
Experience with business systems can be an advantage;
Previous experience in retail will be considered an asset
Ability to produce software/system design documentation;
Positive approach and a good team player;
Open minded and Excellent communication skills;
Ability to think by yourself and to take the right decision;
Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills;
Goal oriented, structured, and analytical;
Good English language both written & spoken


MEGA IMAGE este un lant de supermarket-uri cu o puternica prezenta atat la nivel international, cat si la nivel national. Facand parte din Delhaize Group, MEGA IMAGE este o companie dinamica ce se afla in plin proces de expansiune.
Pentru mai multe informatii, va invitam sa vizitati website-urile noastre:,

Avand o experienta internationala de peste 140 de ani, MEGA IMAGE este prezenta pe piata din Romania din anul 1995, dezvoltandu-se continuu pentru a oferi servicii de calitate clientilor si colaboratorilor sai.

Prin urmare, nu ar trebui sa surprinda pe nimeni faptul ca viziunea noastra este: Hranitor, Sanatos, Sigur si Accesibil. Impreuna livram ce este mai bun din MEGA IMAGE, pentru viata.

Impreuna aspiram sa imbogatim intr-un mod sustinut viata clientilor si a angajatilor nostri, precum si a comunitatilor pe care le deservim.
Impreuna oferim, in fiecare zi, servicii de calitate si o sortimentatie de produse hranitoare, sanatoase si sigure, la preturi accesibile.
Suntem in permanenta legatura cu colegii nostri din cadrul grupului. Invatam, cultivam talente si inovam.

Impartasim un set comun de valori, care ne fac sa devenim mai puternici atat in echipa, cat si individual. Aceste valori reprezinta fundamentul comportamentului nostru si cheia succesului nostru.

Valorile noastre sunt:

MEGA IMAGE, o companie mereu in cautare de talente

Functiile din sediul MEGA IMAGE sunt create pentru a oferi suport magazinelor prin asigurarea coerentei strategice si prin facilitarea executiei propriu-zise.

Retailul iti ofera mereu sansa de a te dezvolta intr-un mediu dinamic, unde umorul este binevenit si munca in echipa este pretuita intotdeauna.

Alaturandu-te centrului de suport la MEGA IMAGE, vei avea oportunitatea de a lucra intr-o organizatie multinationala, flexibila, dinamica, responsabila din punct de vedere social, care incurajeaza initiativele si dezvoltarea personala a angajatilor sai. Deasemnea, vei avea multe oportunitati pentru a invata si a te conecta cu colegii tai din intreaga lume.

Este aceasta organizatia care TI se potriveste?
Atunci alatura-te ACUM echipei MEGA IMAGE!

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