Job expirat
- Keep a consistent inventory of the company's IT resources and users
- Support users in usage of all the professional software in use (desk supp is outsourced)
- Assist local sales force managers to keep the software up to date and aligned with business needs
- Supervise the commissioning and decomisioning process
- Assist local gen mgr in implementing tools and solutions
- Manage the relationship with suppliers support teams
- Create monthly reports on IT usage and budget
- Assist the group IT manager in the choice of suppliers and technologies
- Assist the group IT manager in collecting business needs establishing requirements and issuing requests for proposals
- Evaluate security and propose measures
- Excellent English (French or german is a plus)
- Knowledge of software (CRM, ECM, personal productivity, online publishing tools, emailing tools, communication and collaboration software), cloud computing and open source tools
- Excellent skills in
- Familiar with MAC OS, Microsoft office and google apps
Suntem o companie de consultanta in domeniul serviciilor de resurse umane, oferind clientilor nostri un suport de calitate pentru externalizarea anumitor servicii din aceasta arie de activitate. Scopul nostru este de a aduce un plus de valoare si eficienta prin serviciile oferite: selectie si recrutare, training, consultanta organizationala si servicii de administrare de personal si salarizare.