
24-02-2011 | EXPIRA LA 10-03-2011

Job expirat


For one of our client, one of the world's leading management consulting, technology services and outsourcing companies we have a IT Project Manager opening.


Technical University or University of Economics / Business with IT minor and certifications
project management skills
time management and resources management skills
analytical skills
good command of English
possesses general understanding in the areas of application programming, database and infrastructure and system design
experience in supporting ERP applications and / or IT Infrastructure elements
knowledge of IT systems, IT infrastructure and IT applications architectures
understanding of different network components (LAN, WAN, Firewall, Router, Switch, MPLS), Internet, Intranet, Extranet and client/server architectures
good understanding of 3-tier architectures
knowledge of MS Windows based system architecture (Windows, Office, etc.)
high motivation, flexibility and productivity



...este o solutie viabila pentru cei aflati in cautarea unui loc de munca sau a unei alternative mai avantajoase. Este suficient sa expediati un e-mail care sa contina CV-ul dumneavoastra pentru a se putea beneficia de toate serviciile oferite de echipa noastra de specialisti in recrutare si plasare de personal.

Proiectul JobFix are un sistem de valori care se defineste in primul rand printr-o mentalitate deschisa si flexibilitate in abordarea problemelor.

De asemenea echipa noastra dovedeste spirit de initiativa, dorinta de atingere a unui nivel profesional ridicat, ambitie si nu in ultimul rand putere de munca.

JobFix crede in sansa tuturor de a se afirma pe plan profesional si este alaturi de fiecare dintre dumneavoastra.
Garantat !