IT Project Director (Bucuresti)


17-03-2011 | EXPIRA LA 16-04-2011

Job expirat


Job context and your role inside the team:

With about 600 employees, our group has been active in various countries. Geographically, we are distributed not only in Germany, France and Israel but we also have offices in Romania, Moldova and Vietnam. For this reason, interculturalism represents a strong pillar for our values and working methods; it influences our daily routine throughout constant communication between all our employees.

As a Project Director, you will be in charge with:
- Global management of all the IT projects that are being developed in various fields like banking, financial, e-commerce, industry, etc.;
- Ensuring the implementation and delivery of a high quality result, within the agreed timescales;
- Ensuring a proper communication in direct relationship with the client, in order to achieve the established objectives;
- Estimation/planning/budget;
- Evaluating the performance indicators;
- Implementing the specific methodologies and procedures;
- Risk management.


Why join us?

- You put passion in what you do and you are proud of the quality results that you have obtained so far. You have a strong technical background and as a well-experienced person, you are proud of your successful results from previous activities in IT consultancy or software providing companies.

- You are very motivated to manage various IT projects in order to ensure high-level performance inside a multicultural environment.You do prefer to work with professionals, in a company that is stable and has a continuous growth.

- You have very good understanding of “client oriented” concept and you do manage to successfully develop and maintain successful relationships with each of your business partners. You would like to make good use of your strong relational abilities in order to keep close contact with the clients and to adjust the output to their needs.

- You define yourself as a self – confident and accurate person who is able to present both the limits and the advantages of a solution that would answer the client needs.

What you need to join us?

- A degree in computer science or equivalent qualification;
- Previous experience in a similar role – minimum 5 years;
- Very good technical background;
- Willing to travel, especially in the German speaking countries;
- Analytical thinking and independent decision-making skills complete your profile;
- Very good English skills;
- Knowledge in German is a strong plus.


- Participation in challenging international projects;
- Attractive working environment with internationally-oriented colleagues;
- Targeted development of your skills through training and conference participation;
- Private health insurance;
- Meal tickets.


Grupul Pentalog este un lider in servicii si consultanta IT in Romania si Republica Moldova. Grupul nostru beneficiaza de stabilitate si experienta internationala, precum si de parteneri de incredere, iar domeniile de competenta cuprind informatica de gestiune si cea industriala(R&D).

Pentalog este implicat in numeroase proiecte internationale si locale, iar clientii nostri sunt atat mari grupuri (Leroy Somer, CapGemini, Hitachi, Lexmark, Lowendal, Metro , Syngenta, Parrot, Vodafone, Elite, etc), cat si companii start-up, inovatoare (Coronis, CityVox, Dmailer, Meilleur Mobile, etc). Pentru proiectele pe care le realizam folosim de obicei cele mai noi tehnologii.

Pentalog dispune de agentii in urmatoarele tari: Romania (Bucuresti,
Brasov, Iasi), Republica Moldova (Chisinau), Franta (Orleans, Bordeaux, Paris) si Germania (Frankfurt). 80% din cifra de afaceri a agentiei din Bucuresti este realizata pentru mari clienti locali, pentru care suntem implicati in proiecte de anvergura.

Grupul Pentalog a realizat in 2007 o crestere interna de 67% si o cifra de afaceri de 5,5M?. La inceputul anului 2008, echipa Pentalog numara deja 200 de persoane.

Datorita acestor indicatori pozitivi, preconizam pentru 2008 crearea a numeroase noi posturi in toate agentiile noastre din Romania si Republica Moldova, o crestere de 40% din efectivul actual.
In contextul unei piete a muncii dificile, Pepiniera Pentalog este un program care pe de o parte formeaza tineri programatori iar pe de alta parte organizeaza traininguri pentru angajati.

Pentalog realizeaza in permanenta benchmarkuri in vederea deschiderii de noi agentii. Asadar, va propunem sa va alaturati unei echipe in plina crestere si unei companii care ofera mediul tehnologic, social si financiar necesar construirii unei cariere.