Junior Collection Officer (in Banking)


06-01-2016 | EXPIRA LA 05-02-2016

Job expirat


- Contacteaza telefonic imprumutatii, garantii si angajatorii conform procedurilor si normelor interne si inregistreaza rezultatul convorbirilor in aplicatia de Colectare;
- Raspunde la intrebarile imprumutatilor, garantilor si angajatorilor;
- Negociaza cu clientii refinantarea sumelor restante/restructurarea debitului total, coopereaza cu agentiile si monitorizeaza situatia acestor cazuri;
- Efectueaza activitati operationale aferente Departamentului Recuperari Creante Persoane Fizice;
- Propune luarea de masuri pentru a creste eficienta activitatii de monitorizare si colectare a creditelor Persoane Fizice restante.


- Experienta anterioara pe un post similar constituie avantaj;
- Excelente abilitati de comunicare si negociere;
- Capacitatea de a relationa cu persoane dificile;
- Persoana energica, entuziasta;
- Cunostinte solide de MS Office (Excel; Outlook);
- Limba engleza nivel avansat;
- Disponibilitate de a lucra in weekend.


- Contract de munca si beneficiile aferente ;
- Posibilitatea dezvoltarii unei cariere intr-un mediu multinational, intr-o banca dinamica
- Pachet salarial motivant
- Acumularea unei experiente de lucru in mediul real de business ;
- Dezvoltarea aptitudinilor profesionale ;


leoHR was born out of a desire to provide adaptable HR solutions for diverse business environments.

leoHR is a new and fresh concept who puts in service for both parties, companies and candidates, its expertise gathered in more than 15 years of human resources multinational consultancy companies and strategic management roles in different national and overseas environments.

leoHR brings a new approach in HR services, coming with a more human touch manner in the search and selection process, soft skills trainings and human resource consultancy. We highly value our customers, both companies and candidates, and our goal is to deliver the high quality services that we’d like to receive from others.

EXCELLENCE … is what we DO !!!

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