Key Account Manager (1 an) - Bucuresti


07-06-2016 | EXPIRA LA 07-07-2016

Job expirat


Pentru clientul nostru, lider in industria de profil ( servicii destinate angajatorilor / agentilor economici ) , cautam :

Key Account Manager (perioada determinata, 1 an ) – Bucuresti

Rolul postului :

• Gestionarea portofoliului de parteneri afiliati ;


• Foarte bune abilitati de negociere si vanzare, demonstrate in piata ;
• Abilitati de hunter, capacitate de a sonda potentialul pietei si de a dezvolta portofoliul de parteneri ;
• Capacitatea de a coordona si anima echipe distributie la nivel national ;
• Excelenta capacitate de analiza, dublata de atentie la detalii ;
• Perseverenta, ambitie si mentalitate ca “totul e posibil daca vrei” ;
• Foarte bune abilitati de operare PC (Excel & PowerPoint) ;


• Pachet de compensatii si beneficii extrem de complex si atractiv ;
• Mediu de lucru multinational / unul dintre cei mai buni angajatori in Romania, in urma studiului « Best Employers » ;

Daca aceasta pozitie iti prezinta interes, te rugam trimite CV-ul tau la adresa cu subiectul : "Key Account Manager".

Apreciem si multumim tuturor aplicantilor, insa doar candidatii care indeplinesc criteriile specificate in anunt, vor fi contactati.


leoHR was born out of a desire to provide adaptable HR solutions for diverse business environments.

leoHR is a new and fresh concept who puts in service for both parties, companies and candidates, its expertise gathered in more than 15 years of human resources multinational consultancy companies and strategic management roles in different national and overseas environments.

leoHR brings a new approach in HR services, coming with a more human touch manner in the search and selection process, soft skills trainings and human resource consultancy. We highly value our customers, both companies and candidates, and our goal is to deliver the high quality services that we’d like to receive from others.

EXCELLENCE … is what we DO !!!

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