Dr.Pendl & Dr.Piswanger Romania SRL

05-04-2007 | EXPIRA LA 11-04-2007

Job expirat


Our client is one of the most important german perfumes, beauty and skin care products supplier for retail chains (modern trade). They have their own brands and they also distribute renowned international brands. They are successfully selling their products in Hungary,Slovakia, Poland and Romania.

In order to launch and strengthen its position on the Romanian market, our customer is currently looking for a high professional in the position of:

Main tasks and responsibilities:
- Territorial responsibility for Romania
- Creating the business plan inside the defined area
- Proposal and effective guiding of marketing activities
- Follow up of competition marketing activities and successful sales tracking
- Monthly planning of orders for purchasing department needs
- Weekly reporting to Regional Director in Hungary


- Degree in Business Administration or Marketing
- 3-5 years of professional experience in sales in perfumes and beauty products sector or/and retail
- Previous experience in developing relationships with retail chains will be an asset
- Capability to identify, address and capitalize business opportunities
- Good time management and reporting skills
- Hands-on working attitude
- Fluent in German


P&P Romania este o firma romaneasca, cu capital mixt romano-canadian, care combina experienta vestica cu buna cunoastere a pietei romanesti.
Ca parteneri si consultanti va sprijinim in recrutarea de personal, pentru a va asigura un succes de durata. Avem un stil practic de lucru, orientat in permanenta catre cerintele clientului si eficienta.
Clientii nostri stiu sa aprecieze acest stil si au incredere in noi. Astfel, ne-am dezvoltat si ne putem numara printre cei mai experimentati consultanti.
Ca membri ai organizatiei InterSearch suntem in permanenta legatura cu companii de consultanta din intreaga lume, iar prin participarea la seminarii si conferite internationale ne perfectionam continuu munca noastra. Impreuna discuam proiectele dvs. si stabilim cele mai eficiente (potrivite) metode de lucru. Rapid si activ punem in aplicare etapele stabilite si va informam in permanenta de stadiul desfasurarii proiectului.
Orientarea noastra este catre performanta, politica de preturi si garantia oferita pentru serviciile noastre sunt bazele unei bune colaborari pe termen lung. Decisiv pentru succesul nostru este succesul dumneavoastra.