Legal Advisor


12-02-2013 | EXPIRA LA 14-03-2013

Job expirat


Prepares legal opinions regarding the representation level of customers and the guarantees brought by them, by request;
Elaborates the credit contracts and the ancillary deeds concluded by the bank with the Corporate clients, according to the legal provisions and to the internal procedures and approvals of the bank;
Analyses from legal point of view the documents of the immovable and movable securities, ancillary to the credits granted to the corporate clients, as proposed to be constituted in bank’s favour;
Prepares legal opinions regarding certain aspects related to corporate credit activity, for the purpose of a dully risks administration;
Fulfils all the necessary actions for initiating / solving any legal action regarding the transactions made by corporate clients of the bank and represents the bank in front of any court of law and of any institution being in relation with the bank, based on the delegation granted according to the internal provisions in force, related to the litigations regarding the bank’s relations with corporate clients.


Academic background - Law Faculty;
3 years experience in a Legal Adviser / Lawyer / Judge / Prosecutor;
2 years experience in commercial litigation area;
Proficiency in English
Able to draw-up, structure and formulate elaborated documents (good capacity in phrasing legal documents, correspondence, opinions);
Able to work under pressure with tight deadlines;
Hard working, detail oriented, extremely organized;
Analytical thinking, good communication and team working skills;
Very good knowledge of the English language;
Very good knowledge of the specific banking legislation
Good computer skills: Work, Excel and Power Point


Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.

“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii