ABC Human Capital

10-08-2011 | EXPIRA LA 09-09-2011

Job expirat


Build predictions into weekly & monthly finished product, associated raw material & packaging demand forecasts.
• Place orders on external suppliers.
• Liaise with suppliers to maintain up to date records of variables to production lead times for all
• Liaise with Logistics providers to maintain up to date record of transport lead times for all potential stock movements between suppliers, 3rd party manufacturers and warehouse facilities, taking load size lead times into account.
• Using information above, liaise with sales team to constantly review and update order planning tool and thereby ensure that the minimises stock holdings without going out of stock or compromising sales reaction time.

• Place Purchase orders on suppliers counter signed by the purchasing manager to meet planning requirements
• Receive confirmation of orders and eta from suppliers then track the order to ensure timely manufacture and delivery
• Provide daily communication of estimated delivery dates and purchase order detail to purchasing manager and to 3rd party warehouse managers. Update daily delivery schedule.
• Ensure receipt of invoice from suppliers and logistics providers before goods arrive at destination.
• Liaise with goods in for queries or problems with deliveries on arrival. Resolve problem.
• Communicate potential out of stock problems and actual delivery dates to the business.
• Assist stock team with a stock adjustments and transfers on the system.
• Liaise with suppliers for monthly stock counts and investigate discrepancies.


- Previous supply chain planning experience – minimun 3 years- production
- IT knowledge and proficiency in English
- Ability to prioritise and replan quickly and in issue resolution
- Strong commitment to Customer Service through Requirements Planning, and a thorough understanding of the impact of the suppliers activity on the company and on the customers businesses.
- Strong analytical skills and key emphasis on the requirement to undertake root cause analysis and rigorously implement improvement action plans in order to continually develop the robustness of Logistics processes linked to requirements planning.
- Strong communication skills within the company , as well as excellent team working skills
- Support the delivery of the category business plans through excellent control of our sourcing signal into the upstream supply chain and through building robust relationships to ensure an effective flow of information.


Furnizam solutii extinse pentru proiecte de Resurse Umane inca din 2005. Adaptam cu succes noile tendinte in domeniul Resurselor Umane si utilizam creativ oportunitatile pe care le ofera mediul economic pentru atingerea target-urilor comerciale si de comunicare ale partenerilor nostri.

Munca noastra include solutii bazate pe analize si experienta, programe de implementare a strategiilor de retentie si motivare personal adaptate fiecarui partener, analize complete ale profilurilor candidatilor, selectia strategiei optime pentru implementarea fiecarui proiect, evaluarea si monitorizarea eficientei solutiilor propuse.

Aceasta se traduce in programe inteligente sustinute prin baze de date complete si complexe, aplicatii web, portaluri de informare si socializare, baterii de teste concepute si implementate impreuna cu fiecare dintre parteneri, campanii de marketing online si head-hunting.

Misiune: sa contribuim la indeplinirea obiectivelor partenerilor nostri prin abordarea celui mai important capital al oricarei companii; cel intelectual!