Job expirat
Perform the actions related to the recovery of the past due amounts recorded on bank’s Corporate portfolio, as follows:
o Enforcement actions started by the bank:
§ enforcement process performed by banking executors;
§ development of the bank’s network of judicial executors and the cases allocated to them;
o follow the cases under the insolvency/bankruptcy procedure;
o actions related to the enforcement started by other parties against bank’s collaterals;
On all these areas, the targets are:
o maximization of recoveries;
o performing of recovery steps timely and with accuracy;
o proper allocation of the cases for recovery to different structures/entities;
o Analysis of stages status, evolution and performance of portfolios allocated;
o Elaboration/amendment of regulations related to recovery process;
o Preparation of forecasts regarding the recoveries;
o achievement of the budget target.
o identification and submission for approval of cases to be written off;
o relevant experience within banking institutions (minimum 3 years) in the recovery process for Corporate cases under enforcement or/and under insolvency/bankruptcy;
o legal and/or economic knowledge on the area mentioned;
o good command of English language;
o familiar with MS Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point);
o experience in conducting projects;
o ability to work multitasking and with short deadlines;
o previous relevant results in maximizing recoveries or/and developing projects for this area will be considered a plus
In octombrie 2003, cel mai mare grup financiar din Europa de Sud-Est, Grupul National Bank of Greece (NBG), a achizitionat pachetul majoritar la Banca Romaneasca S.A., detinand in prezent 89,070% din capitalul social al acesteia. Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare (BERD) este un alt actionar important, detinand 10,209% din capitalul social al bancii.
Banca Romaneasca dispune de o retea nationala formata din 151 de sucursale, din care 40 sunt situate in Bucuresti. Banca detine un capital social de peste 119 milioane Euro. Intr-o piata foarte dinamica, cota de piata a bancii a crescut de la 2,09% in decembrie 2006 la 2,68 % in decembrie 2007.
Grupul NBG este cel mai mare grup financiar din Republica Elena fiind fondat in anul 1841. Grupul NBG detine o pozitie dominanta pe piata serviciilor financiare din Grecia, cu peste 1000 unitati bancare in tara si in strainatate si un portofoliu de 10 milioane de clienti.