Online-Panel Community Support Romania (part time)

MindTake Research GmbH

05-05-2015 | EXPIRA LA 07-05-2015

Job expirat


MindTake Research GmbH is a full-service online market-research company with its headquarters in Vienna and several dependencies in the CEE/SEE region. To complete our team we are looking for a highly motivated person to take charge of our online panel operations on a part-time basis (20hrs/week). Workplace would be your own „home office“ in Romania with regular stints in our office in Vienna.

Online-Panel Community Support Romania


•Translation work for the Romanian language (from English or German)
•Assisting the Vienna team in the development of the MindTake Online Panel Romania
•Organising regular online recruitment campaigns to attract new participants for the MindTake Online Panel Romania
•User Support for Romania
•Communication with clients via E-Mail, telephone, as well as face to face
•Testing of questionnaires



•Is communicative and with a flair for making contacts
•Has an excellent command (written and oral) of Romanian
•Has a very good command of English (German and further language skills are an advantage)
•Is willing to travel
•Is flexible,customer-oriented and a team player
•Is accurate, reliable and self-motivating, ready to rise to a challenge
•Possesses confident computer skills (MS Office, basic understanding of internet, online advertising and social media)


Interested? Please send us your CV (with picture)- in English or German- to Marina Lambert (E-Mail:

MindTake Research GmbH
Karslgasse 7/5 – 1040 Viena


MindTake Research GmbH operează o serie de panel-uri online destinate cercetării pieţei şi a opiniei publice în Europa Centrală și de Sud-Est prin intermediul unei rețele de reprezentanțe locale şi de manageri locali de proiect. Recrutăm în mod continuu membri noi prin intermediul sondajelor precum şi a portalurilor media şi comunitare. Datele colectate sunt păstrate într-o bază de date securizată şi pot fi utilizate pentru efectuarea de sondaje specifice pe grupuri-ţintă, fie că este vorba de cercetări ale pieţei sau ale opiniei publice in general.