Sales Executive

Securitas Services Romania

17-07-2012 | EXPIRA LA 16-08-2012

Job expirat


To prospect and develop the bussines at a national level;
To represent and promote the company’s image and values in all professional relationships;
To maintain a permanent contact with present or potential clients;
To achieve the sales targets;
To develop and implement ideas, proposals and strategies for the improvement of the company’s services;
To respect the commercial and internal procedures of the company.


Open minded;
Strong work ethics;
Self-confident, with initiative & self-motivated;
High level of organization and interpersonal skills;
Results and people oriented, ability to work under pressure and multi-tasking;
Dynamic, innovative, creative, persuasive, proactive, enthusiastic and positive;
MANDATORY relevant experience of 1-3 years in B2B sales with a considerable range and spread of contacts and proven succes rate;
Proven logistics experience and/or understanding;
English is a must, any other foreign language is considered to be an advantage;
Clean driver’s licence – preferably min. 2 years or 30k km experience;
Bachelor Degree - preferably in Marketing and/or other related areas;
Computer proficiency.


Securitas este lider in domeniul securitatii private. Avem mai mult de 280.000 angajati in 45 de tari din America de Nord,Europa,America Latina,Orientul Mijlociu,Asia si Africa. Ne concentram in crearea solutiilor care se potrivesc cel mai bine nevoilor fiecarui client, avand ca filozofie de business "experienta". Peste tot in lume de la micile magazine pana la aeroporturi, cei 280.000 angajati fac diferenta.