Sef de Sectie - sectia Vopsitorie

Ruukki Romania

31-10-2007 | EXPIRA LA 30-11-2007

Job expirat


-Organizarea si supervizarea tuturor activitatilor din sectia de vopsitorie
-Coordonarea operatorilor de masini si a operatorilor de magazie
-Organizarea productiei conform planului de productie cu respectarea termenelor limita si a prescriptiilor de calitate.


-Scoala de Maistri / Facultate - profil mecanic
-Experienta pe o pozitie similara - minim 3 ani - de preferinta intr-o sectie productiva (constructii metalice - avantaj)
-Cunostinte de operare PC (Word, Excel) - constituie un avantaj
-Foarte bune abilitati organizatorice
-Capacitatea de a coordona si motiva o echipa
-Orientare catre rezultate.


Ruukki is an international supplier of metal-based components, systems and integrated systems to the construction and mechanical engineering industries.
Ruukki has operations in 23 countries and employs 14,500 people. The net sales in 2006 totalled EUR 3.7 billion.

Due to the strategy of the company focused on growth on Central and Eastern Europe, Ruukki will be-comes a local manufacturer of metal-based construction materials in Romania in 2007 through his in-vestment plan of EUR 35 million.
The plant will be built in municipality of Giurgiu, about 20 km from Bucharest and will cover the metal-based production from profiling and steel frame to sandwich panels, roofing, cladding profiles and liner trays.

For more information, please do not hesitate to visit our website: