28-02-2010 | EXPIRA LA 06-03-2010
Job expirat
Our client is a multinational company, provider of integrated business, and technology and process solutions on a global delivery platform.
The company is one of the world's largest IT services company and this reflects in the scope of work executed and the level of partnerships that they have forged across continents.
??? Develop and implement strategies to attain optimum results in processing accurately and customer satisfaction
??? Ensure excellent customer service is achieved
??? Drive consistency and accuracy to deliver on-time results
??? Identify trends and process gaps
??? Simplify processes and eliminate unnecessary steps
??? Educate and develop associates for better performance
??? Plan and guide development of departmental associates
??? Ensure accurate measurement and reporting procedures are in place
??? Engage HR partners (e.g., Legal, Associate Relations, Labor Relations, etc.) to ensure appropriate and efficient case resolution
??? Actively participate in strategic business planning sessions
??? Provide guidance, clarification and interpretation of company policy
??? Proficient in HR database applications and Microsoft applications to resolve customer issues.
Perfect Candidate:
??? Graduate/ Post Graduate 4-6 yrs experience in HR, Payroll background, preferably from BPO
??? Customer service orientation with exceptional ability to manage and support clients in sensitive situations
??? Problem solving and analytical skills
??? Excellent interpersonal and team management skills
??? Able to take ownership and resolve challenging situations with the good judgment to know when to appropriately escalate matters as needed
??? Excellent oral and writing skills
??? Ability to understand and explain complex policies and guidelines.
Furnizam solutii extinse pentru proiecte de Resurse Umane inca din 2005. Adaptam cu succes noile tendinte in domeniul Resurselor Umane si utilizam creativ oportunitatile pe care le ofera mediul economic pentru atingerea target-urilor comerciale si de comunicare ale partenerilor nostri.
Munca noastra include solutii bazate pe analize si experienta, programe de implementare a strategiilor de retentie si motivare personal adaptate fiecarui partener, analize complete ale profilurilor candidatilor, selectia strategiei optime pentru implementarea fiecarui proiect, evaluarea si monitorizarea eficientei solutiilor propuse.
Aceasta se traduce in programe inteligente sustinute prin baze de date complete si complexe, aplicatii web, portaluri de informare si socializare, baterii de teste concepute si implementate impreuna cu fiecare dintre parteneri, campanii de marketing online si head-hunting.
Misiune: ??? sa contribuim la indeplinirea obiectivelor partenerilor nostri prin abordarea celui mai important capital al oricarei companii; cel intelectual???.