Team Leader with French

UPA Solutions

05-05-2016 | EXPIRA LA 04-06-2016

Job expirat


To actively manage the performance of the team and provide training, coaching and support and as necessary to improve results
-To assess the quality of each team member’s work by completing regular tray checking and giving feedback to the employee to resolve any issues found
-To assist in the setting of performance standards for team member’s and to communicate these clearly
-To perform team member’s appraisals
-To prepare for and undertake probationary review meetings with the team ,reviewing their progress against their objectives and agreeing actions for future review
-Maintaining and enhancing good business relationships with agents, consumers and supplier


-Previous experience in the role of Manager or Team Leader
-Strong communication, interpersonal and client relationship management skills
-Effective delegation skills
-Call Centre experience
-Experience working in a customer facing role
-Fluency in spoken and written French and English


- Attractive salary package;
- Pleasant working environment;
- Professional development opportunities.


UPA Solutions este o companie romaneasca ce oferă o gamă largă de servicii printre care furnizarea de servicii de recrutare, selecție de personal și formare profesională.

Compania aflată în continuă dezvoltare are în prezent un număr de 12 colaboratori în patru centre de contact, Bucureşti, Botoşani, Brăila şi Alba Iulia, urmând să deschidă în perioada următoare, noi puncte de lucru. Expertiza echipei din cadrul UPA Solutions în domeniul serviciilor de resurse umane permite companiei noastre să asigure servicii de calitate alături de garanția identificării candidaților potriviți dinamicii companiilor-client.

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