Technical Support Engineer with Turkish

Computer Generated Solutions ROMANIA

28-09-2014 | EXPIRA LA 28-09-2014

Job expirat


• Provide client support and technical issue resolution via phone and e-mail
• Installing and configuring computer hardware operating systems and applications;
• Troubleshoot system and network problems and diagnosing and solving hardware/software faults;
• Provide support, including procedural documentation;
• Respond within agreed time limits to call-outs;
• Work continuously on a task until completion (or referral to third parties, if appropriate);
• Prioritize and managing many open cases at one time;
• Establish a good working relationship with customers and other professionals


• Proficient in Turkish and medium English skills
• Able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines;
• Self motivated, detail-oriented and organized;
• Experience with hardware and software issues;
• Excellent communication (oral and written), interpersonal, organizational, and presentation skills


- CGS offers training sessions for each new member of the team
- Attractive salary package
- Competitive environment and young team


Fondată în New York, SUA, în 1984, CGS Inc deserveste clienti din America de Nord, Europa, Asia, Orientul Mijlociu si Africa; proiectele companiei implica branduri din Top Forbes 500, precum si cele mai mari firme din IT&C, banking, asigurari etc. ce activeaza pe piata din Romania.

In Romania, CGS acoperă întreaga gamă de servicii asociate activităţii de suport center: Help Desk, Suport Tehnic, Externalizarea procesului operaţional (BPO), Achiziţia clienţilor noi, Customer Care, Fidelizarea & Retenţia clienţilor .
CGS ofera o serie de soluţii de front şi back-office în 18 de limbi străine, cu aproape 3.000 angajaţi în locaţiile sale din Bucureşti, Brasov si Sibiu.

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