24-03-2015 | EXPIRA LA 29-03-2015
Job expirat
• Realizare traduceri din domeniul economic, financiar, management de proiect, cercetare, redactare texte spaniola, interpretariat romana – spaniola si invers;
• Relationare cu echipa de la nivel national si international;
• Suport in organizarea de documente si arhivare;
Vrei sa faci parte din echipa noastra?
La Metodo suntem dedicati oamenilor! Prin tot ceea ce facem sprijinim oamenii in demersurile si planurile lor de dezvoltare personala si profesionala prin formare inovatoare si personalizata, acces simplu la oportunitati de finantare si servicii de consultanta care raspund intotdeauna asteptarilor lor.
Pentru filiala noastra din Bucuresti cautam traducatori autorizati pentru limba spaniola pentru traducere si redactare de texte in limbile spaniola si romana.
Te asteptam alaturi de noi daca esti atent, organizat, daca te exprimi corect si coerent in limba romana si gestionezi eficient termenele-limita.
Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu international si de a contribui la crearea unui nou concept de formare si consultanta in Romania;
Mediu de lucru flexibil cu o puternica componenta interculturala.
At Metodo, we are committed to people! Everything we do is related to supporting their personal and professional development through personalized and innovative training, easy access to European funding opportunities and consultancy services shaped up for their expectations. Metodo Group was founded in 1999 as a provider of broad training services in the public and private sector, focusing on generating innovative solutions on different knowledge fields, through constant research and customer satisfaction solutions. Every year, Metodo delivers more than 160,000 hours of training and certificates 15,000 students during individual training plans. Metodo has been developing its expertise on three pillars: E-learning Social Research International & European projects Metodo Group is a holding of 3 companies under the same ownership, each focusing on the different fields of expertize: Formaten, Forinlab, Metodo Consulting. We focus on QUALITY before quantity. We count on high customer service orientation which contributes to the fact that 9 out of 10 projects presented to the call for proposals are approved. We focus on EXPERIENCE . Our quality is based on technical training and the professional experience of our staff. We focus on INNOVATION. Innovation for us is not just a challenge to overcome. It is another step in the realisation of our ideas. We count on DEDICATION. We have a network of partners in many European countries:Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia.