Trainer - Determined Period 12 month


18-09-2014 | EXPIRA LA 18-10-2014

Job expirat


Organising centralised and local training sessions, ensuring the appropriate status of the training support to be used, as well as the logistics for the training location (accommodation, travel, lunch and coffee break budget, etc.);
Creating and delivering training materials on soft skills topics for bank employees;
Coordinating training projects that are being assigned by Head of Training Department, ensuring appropriate management and use of the involved resources, so that agreed objectives should be achieved;
Recommending training sessions whose main purpose would be that of improving VBR employees’ abilities, level of motivation and decrease turnover level.


University Degree ;
Minimum 3 years experience in Training;
English Knowledge;
Solution-oriented approach, self-confident and communicative person;
Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks simultaneously and meet targets and deadlines;
Ambitious and capable of working under pressure;
Team spirit and negotiation skills


Volksbank Romania, detinuta de Volksbank International (subsidiara a Osterreichische Volksbanken – Aktiengessellschaft -OVAG)), a devenit operationala pe data de 8 mai 2000. In buna traditie a bancii austriece pe care o reprezinta, Volksbank Romania si-a indreptat inca de la inceput atentia spre nevoile si interesele persoanelor fizice si intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii oferind produse si servicii de calitate.

“Increderea ne uneste” – sloganul grupului – reflecta parteneriatul pe care se bazeaza banca noastra in relatia cu clientii