ABC Human Capital

11-07-2011 | EXPIRA LA 10-08-2011

Job expirat


Start-up for transport/ logistics company:

Find a location for the office together with the Management
To secure that agreed transport solutions are running and are continuously being improved
Setting the right requirements with all actors in the transport chain, scan potential fault areas and follow up performance and initiation of corrective action
Creating optimal conditions at sending and receiving points and carriers to allow lowest possible cost picture and fulfillment of agreed service levels.
Business development
Administrative tasks- you will be the first employee of the company


University degree
At least 3 years experience in logistics or supply chain companies
Knowledge about the international transport rules and regulations and about the delivery process (sender, carrier, receiver)
Service oriented, able to analyze, take initiative and solve problems
Comfortable with working under pressure and with handling responsibility
Fluent in English
Good computer software and systems skills
Self motivated, dynamic person


600 EUR plus bonuses from the business development activity


Furnizam solutii extinse pentru proiecte de Resurse Umane inca din 2005. Adaptam cu succes noile tendinte in domeniul Resurselor Umane si utilizam creativ oportunitatile pe care le ofera mediul economic pentru atingerea target-urilor comerciale si de comunicare ale partenerilor nostri.

Munca noastra include solutii bazate pe analize si experienta, programe de implementare a strategiilor de retentie si motivare personal adaptate fiecarui partener, analize complete ale profilurilor candidatilor, selectia strategiei optime pentru implementarea fiecarui proiect, evaluarea si monitorizarea eficientei solutiilor propuse.

Aceasta se traduce in programe inteligente sustinute prin baze de date complete si complexe, aplicatii web, portaluri de informare si socializare, baterii de teste concepute si implementate impreuna cu fiecare dintre parteneri, campanii de marketing online si head-hunting.

Misiune: sa contribuim la indeplinirea obiectivelor partenerilor nostri prin abordarea celui mai important capital al oricarei companii; cel intelectual!