Front Office - Receptie


12-02-2012 | EXPIRA LA 13-03-2012

Job expirat


Recrutam RECEPTIONERI pentru hoteluri de 4 si 5 stele din Cipru!!!

Infomunca organizeaza TARG DE JOBURI la jumatatea lunii Martie 2012 in Cluj Napoca. Candidatii care vor aplica la aceasta oferta de munca si vor fi selectati de noi, vor avea posibilitatea sa se intalneasca direct cu angajatorii (care vor veni in Romania pentru interviul final.

Va rugam sa aplicati doar daca: AVETI EXPERIENTA DE CEL PUTIN 12 LUNI PE ACEEASI POZITIE, aveti sub 36 ani, vorbiti limba engleza la nivel conversational (interviul cu angajatorul va fi in limba engleza)si stiti cel putin una din urmatoarele limbi: Franceza, Greaca, Italiana, Germana, Rusa, doriti sa petreceti o vara de neuitat in cele mai luxoase hoteluri din Cipru.

Salariul: 650 euro NET/luna
MASA SI CAZAREA: Sunt oferite GRATUIT de catre angajator, fara nici un cost din partea angajatilor (3 mese pe zi)
Se lucreaza: 6 zile pe saptamana/ 8 ore pe zi
Angajatorul plateste asigurarile sociale dar asigurarea medicala este responsabilitatea d-voastra. (Inainte de plecarea din Romania va trebui sa va faceti asigurare medicala de calatorie)

Durata Contractului: April/May - Septembrie/Octombrie 2012

COSTURI: transportul pana in Cipru DUS este responsabilitatea d-voastra (biletul de avion costa aproximativ 50 - 100 euro daca se face rezervare din timp). Transportul din Cipru spre Romania va fi asigurat de catre angajator (cu conditia sa ramaneti la locul de munca pana la terminarea contractului)
Taxa de mediere: 150 EURO - se plateste la semnarea contractului de munca, dupa interviul cu angajatorul

Detalii despre locatia exacta unde se va sustine TARGUL DE JOBURI, veti primi dupa ce veti fi selectat(a) pentru interviu.


-A hotel receptionist usually works behind the front desk near the entrance of a hotel.
-Most hotel receptionists dress to project a professional image for their employer.
-The hotel receptionist is often the only employee with whom the guests interact. Therefore, it is important that these employees smile and greet their guests in a friendly manner.
-The hotel receptionist’s job primarily includes helping guests check in, providing them with a key, and showing them where their room is located.
-Responsible for assisting guests when they check out of the hotel and handling their payments.
-Ensuring the guests' needs are met, sending them supplies when they request them, and even storing their valuables.
-Take reservations over the phone, and even provide directions to the hotel when necessary.
-Provide wake-up calls for guests in the morning, and even arrange transportation for a guest's off-site visits
-Help set up business meetings for companies holding conventions at their hotel.
-Consequently, they may need to work with other employees in setting up the conference room.
-Help coordinate the delivery of beverages, snacks and even lunches for business guests.
-Inform visiting guests about availability of rooms.
-Allot rooms and check the identity of the person through valid identity proofs.
-Greet customers and answer their queries.
-Maintain records of guests and visitors coming in and going out of the hotel.
-Offer guests something to drink as per the availability of the resources.
-Keep the Reception Desk Area clean, organized



-At least 2 seasons (at least 6 months / season) previous experience in the same field and same position.
-Must be professional, polite, and reliable.
-Should have good communication skills, because they are required to communicate with guests.
-Should be reliable and prompt when required to retrieve a guest's luggage.
-In addition, the reception must be professional and have a pleasant personality.
-Excellent computer skills. Hotel’s Programs knowledge – will be considered an advantage.


Excellent knowledge of English language verbal and written.
Any other language: Greek, Russian, German, Italian, French – IT’S A MUST.


Applicant must be maximum 35, with good physical appearance and a recent photo (last 2 months).
Any certificates, diplomas, letters of recommendations – will be considered an advantage.


Oferim locuri de munca in strainatate in diferite tari din Europa, in urmatoarele domenii: turism, agricultura, comert, constructii, IT, medicina si sanatate, asistenta sociala, etc. Suntem acreditati ITM si functionam in conformitate cu normele europene de recrutare si plasare a fortei de munca in strainatate.