Operator Introducere Date ( Part-time )

Best Corporate Labour Group

22-02-2017 | EXPIRA LA 24-03-2017

Job expirat


- Introducerea in baza de date a unor informatii;
- Prelucrarea si procesarea datelor;
- Extragerea de rapoarte si prezentarea lor.


- Studii medii;
- Atentie la detalii;
- Rezistenta la munca repetitiva/ rutiniera;
- Persoana organizata, comunicativa;
- Cunostinte de operare in MS Office (Excel, Access);
- Capacitate de analiza;
- Persoana meticuloasa, motivata.


We are a friendly company with a personal approach to recruitment. We endeavour to treat all of our candidates how we ourselves would wish to be treated and we make every effort not to waste your time or make any false promises of work that we cannot deliver upon.