Job expirat
Clientul nostru este cel mai important jucator din piata in domeniul Facility Management. Datorita bunei dezvoltari se mareste echipa cu :
Director Sucursala Facility Management*3 pozitii , in Oltenia, Moldova, Dobrogea.
• Gestioneaza si raspunde de activitatea desfasurata pe judetele alocate;
• Coordoneaza activitatea sucursalei la nivel judetean cu ajutorul sefilor de puncte de lucru judetene;
• Identifica noi potentiali clienti pe piata locala/regionala;
• Mentine si imbunatateste relatia cu clientii existenti;
• Gestioneaza bugetul la nivel de sucursala;
• Intocmeste oferte tehnico-financiare pentru lucrarile suplimentare solicitate de client;
• Contracteaza lucrari suplimentare la nivel regional;
• Implementeaza si urmareste implementarea deciziilor Consiliului de Administratie la nivelul sucursalei din gestiune;
• Identifica noi servicii ce pot fi oferite pe piata locala;
• Raporteaza catre Directorul operational, directorul executiv si directorul general al societatii;
• Instruieste personalul din subordine cu privire la intocmirea documentelor specifice activitatii de mentenanta;
• Colaboreaza cu departamantele suport din cadrul companiei ;
• Intocmeste rapoarte operationale si financiare, periodice sau in baza solicitarilor primite;
• Propune imbunatatiri ale echipei din subordine, a activitatilor desfasurate de acestia si a proceselor operationale;
• Raspunde de conduita, tiunuta si atitudinea fata de client, a echipelor din subordine;
• Raspunde de echipamentele si instrumentele din dotarea sucursalei;
• Informeaza conducerea companiei cu privire la oportunitatie sau competitorii pietei locale, facand recomandari;
• Se implica in conturarea strategiei la nivel de companie;
• Raspunde de aplicarea la nivelul sucursalei din gestiune a strategiei aprobate la nivel de companie;
• Colaboreaza cu departamantul de control operational, in realizarea controalelor periodice;
• Isi insuseste procedurile atat operationale cat si functionale;
• Raspunde de distribuirea si instruirea personalului din subordine cu privire la procedurile, notele interne si reglementarile emise la nivel de Grup si/sau la nivel de companie;
• Studii superioare finalizate, de profil tehnic (electronic, electrotehnica, automatica) reprezinta avantaj;
• Cunoasterea limbii engleze – nivel mediu
• Experienta manageriala in coordonarea de echipe - min. 5 ani;
• Persoana Comunicativa, activa, orientata spre rezultat, proactive, abilitati de project management, abilitati de negociere;
• Autonomie si stabilitate emotionala. Spirit antreprenorial puternic. Perfectionism
If you feel you have the necessary skills for these truly challenging and rewarding positions, send your CV in English at quoting the position name and region on all correspondence, till 5th of Ferbruary, 2011.Applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Total Business Solutions is the business partner for companies who wish to excel on the Romanian and SCEE market. To this end, we offer a complete package of services, which places our client companies in the best position to dominate their chosen field of operation through maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their employees.
TBS provides professional services in the area of Human Resources, including: HR Audit, Recruitment and Executive Search, Personnel Evaluation Psychological Cognitive Abilities Tests & CPI, Organizational Consulting, Career Management, Training.
TBS developed two services, the HR Audit and Manager Integration Process, together with an American USAID volunteer; projects that had a very good impact on the Romanian market.
The experience and background of Total Business Solutions consultants would be of real and significant help for the current activity and future development of client s company. Our successes are in Recruitment&Executive Search, HR Audit and Personal Evaluation.
What TBS offers is not only top quality results, but also a comprehensive consultancy process that will meet the goals and objectives of our clients. TBS will support the client in his decisions, from the definition of his needs and the establishment of the factual situation, through to and including the selection of optimal solutions and the implementation of results.
TBS has a broad experience in start-up and green-field projects in a variety of industries.
TBS is equipped and prepared to meet short-advance-notice assignments; in our fast-paced business environment, the promptness and quality of our response to our clients needs is what makes us substantially different in Romania.
Address: 108 Matei Basarab St, Bloc 74, 4th Floor, Ap. 54, sector 3,Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 320 60 27
Fax: +40 21 323 70 15
Contact Person: Ms. Daniela Necefor, Managing Partner