Job expirat
- Studii de specialitate tehnice – specilaizarea retele apa si canal constituie un avantaj
- Experienta profesionala : de minim 5 ani pe un post similar
- organizare echipe lucru
- lansare lucrari in executie
- urmarirea derularii proiectelor
- verifica respectarea graficelor de executie, a termenelor de executie stabilite si calitatea lucrarilor executate
- intocmeste procese verbale pe faze de lucru
- intocmeste liste de aprovizionare cu materialele necesare
- intocmeste rapoarte
- calitati de comunicare si planificare
- foarte bun organizator
- experienta in lucru cu oamenii
- adaptabilitate la situatii noi
- seriozitate, initiativa
- Limbi straine: ENGLEZA
- Carnet conducere cat. B
- operare PC : pachetul Office, internet
Black Sea Rom Trading Ltd. has been established in 2002, bringing since then together a team of specialists that it s running and over watching the good well-going of Company day-by-day activities.
The performed services have a diversified area, but it can vary accordingly with client s requests and therefore it has been structured, as follow: recruitment & placement services and occasionally, general trading services.
The major area of operation is Western Europe, Middle-East, Africa and U.S. / Canada where we re supplying skilled & experienced Romanian, Central & Eastern European personnel for Health & Care, Hospitality, Engineering & Construction, Sales & Accountancy, Agriculture and many others.
We invite you do not hesitate to contact us for providing you with good personnel from our area for the above-mentioned fields of activity, and of course, for others, as well.