SPA Therapeut, GRECIA

EUworking Staff Solutions

15-04-2011 | EXPIRA LA 15-05-2011

Job expirat


For the summer season 2011 we are looking for beauty therapists and
massage therapists
Contract: ca 6 months – start: April end: September/October
Full board and accommodation, plus uniform will be provided by the
Expenses: travel (after the 3rd month of contract the first leg will be paid
back) and at conclusion of the contract the way back will be paid by the
Requirements: Beauty/Massage only if have experience in full body massage
Languages: English (if possible either basic Italian or German)
Salary: € 800 plus tip
Drivers license required
Flexibility, kindness and team player


Requirements: Beauty/Massage only if have experience in full body massage
Languages: English (if possible either basic Italian or German)
Salary: € 800 plus tip
Drivers license required
Flexibility, kindness and team player


Agentia EUworking Staff Solutions cu noul sediu in Romania, Str. Grivitei, Nr.A 96, Jud.Brasov, precum si punctul de lucru din Grecia, Neos Marmaras reprezentata de o intreaga echipa de profesionisti cu reala experienta in domeniu, recruteaza urgent pentru programele “Trainee & Travel” perioada de sezon sau permanent, personal calificat pentru domenii: turism/hotelier, IT, electricitate / mecanica etc.
De aceea in colaborare si prin bunavointa partenerilor nostrii straini, dorim sa asiguram noi locuri de munca / practica cetatenilor romani sau cu rezidenta in Romania.
Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa accesati site-ul nostru
Asteptam cu interes CV-uri in limba engleza(care vor contine: foto tip pasaport + foto full body, perioada disponibilitate) pe adresele:

Email :

Totodata va punem la dispozitie numerele noastre de telefon:
Mobile ro.: +40 753415354