Junior Research Analyst


23-02-2011 | EXPIRA LA 17-03-2011

Job expirat


This position will be responsible for primary research; performs translations from Romanian into English and from English into Romanian and for data input and interpretation. The position is ideal for a smart self motivated individual that wants a fast career track, needs to learn and gain expertise in a fast-paces environment....


You are immediately qualified to apply if you:

• are a net search guru or you can find anything anytime, be it on the web or in the real world – and mostly on the web
or you know how to use advanced search features and more than one search engine
• analyze data easily and are able to understand and interpret it;
• apply logical and analytical thinking correctly and have good presentation skills
• have great English skills (second language is an a major plus);
• have great listening and communications skills;
• have a wide area of connections, are an active member of a student and/or business network (including online social networks)

If you are a vegetarian or like food in general, if you like to cook and generally are interested in healthy food and lifestyle for you and others you are immediately selected for the job.
This are not mandatory criteria though for the job!


This is the position for you to prove yourself and be recognized for it!

Flexible working conditions, a professional environment and a young dynamic team willing to support you all the way are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy in working with us.