Operator Depozit Anglia


23-05-2017 | EXPIRA LA 25-05-2017

Job expirat


Recrutam personal pentru lucrul in depozitele din Marea Britanie, pozitiile disponibile sunt warehouse operators, picking si packing. Pozitiile sunt disponibile imediat!

Responsabilitatile dumneavostra presupun localizarea, identificarea si transportul produselor de la locatia lor spre zonele de asamblare comenzilor.


Cerintile minime cerute de angajotori sunt:
-nivel conversational obligatoriu al limbii engleze, se va sustine un interviu initial in limba engleza.
-disponibilitate de a lucra in ture inclusiv in week-end. Se ofera posibilitatea de a lucra overtime.
- experienta constituie un avantaj dar nu este obligatorie, angajotorii ofera training.
-seriozitate, punctualitate, perseverenta, abilitatea de a lucra in echipa.


Beneficiile oferite:
Salarizarea variaza intre £7,5/h - £10,42/h in functie de turele in care veti fi repartizati, in conformitate cu legile de pe teritoriu Marii Britanii. Angajatorii ofera posibilitatea candidatiilor seriosi de a se dezvolta si evolua in companie ajungand sa detina diferite pozitii ce necesita preluarea diferitelor responsabilitati.
Suport cu procesul de relocare de către consultanți cu experiență,
Suport cu cazare și transport la locul de muncă
Pentru cei mai buni muncitori, oportunitatea de a lucra direct pentru clienții noștri


Here, at RV Consulting&Recruitment we develop strategies, which we hope will be in the best interests of our clients and our customers, both existing and moving ahead.
Our team works across our branches, networking regularly to ensure we meet and exceed the needs of our customers and people. Our consultants are experts in finding the best talent to Temporary and Permanent Job contracts.
We employ qualified staff to manage the recruitment Process and deal with each applicant independently and amicably. It’s always about finding the right role for the right role, for the right person, in the right company.
Our staff team is multilingual and between the Company we speak 10 different languages fluently so to be assured someone will be able to assist you.
We value the time of all applicants, so we choose carefully only those whom we have a reasonable possibility of assigning.
We make every effort to put our people to work in the most suitable place for them.
We record appropriate information about our people (e.g. CV, skills) in our systems to maximize their opportunities with RV Consulting & Recruitment.