Confectioneri imbracare volane in piele - punct de lucru Marghita, jud. Bihor

TRW Automotive Safety Systems

17-11-2011 | EXPIRA LA 17-12-2011

Job expirat


Pentru punctul de lucru Marghita, jud. Bihor cautam Confectioneri imbracare volane in piele. Se lucreaza in echipe de 6 persoane, in picioare si este o activitate manuala.


Studii medii;
Experienta in lucrul cu pielea - constituie avantaj;
Dexteritate manuala;
Disponibilitate de a lucra in picioare;
Domiciliul stabil in Marghita.


Mediu de lucru placut;
Conditii de munca deosebite;
Respect fata de angajat.


Among the top ten global automotive suppliers, TRW is the world leader in automotive safety, developing and producing the widest variety of active and passive systems in the industry. With sales of $14 billion, and approximately 66 000 employees, TRW is present at 209 facilities in 28 world countries.
TRW is one of the top automotive manufacturers in all of its major chosen product lines, and is a leading integrator of safety technologies through the use of advanced electronics that sense, analyze and respond to ever changing conditions. TRW safety systems help drivers to avoid or mitigate accidents and protect occupants if an accident cannot be avoided.
The company supplies more than 40 major vehicle manufacturers and 250 nameplates and holds leading positions in all of its primary product categories.
TRW Automotive Safety Systems Romania, a subsidiary of the TRW American Group, has started its activity in Romania in 2004. In present TRW Romania has over 2500 employees in 5 production sites: Timisoara, Resita, Lupeni, Oravita, Deta.
Presently the Timisoara location includes over 1700 employees and produces steering wheels and airbag modules.