Concrete Carpenter(Dulgher/Fierar Betonist)

SC Aria Public SRL-D

15-07-2015 | EXPIRA LA 14-08-2015

Job expirat


Start date:

19-21 July: Arrivals

22- july: VCA

23-july: Social security number and registration

25-july: first day.

Client information: One of the largest recruitment and payroll agency in Netherlands with a network of offices all across the country.

Vacancy description:

We are looking to recruit a team of 5 concrete carpenters.

1 Foreman(Concrete Carpenter)

3 Concrete Carpenter

1 Site Cleaner

VCA Certificate is required : if not available, the client will supply VCA training
Accommodation: Provided by employer, free of charge
Meals: provided by employer, on site.
Medical Insurance: € 19,50, per week to be paid by employee(angajat)
Transport from Romania to Netherlands covered by Employee(angajat)
Transport from accommodation to working place: Lease auto’s supplied by the client, 1 car per team. No costs related.


Working Foreman - at least 6 year experience in concrete of which 2 year as foreman

Concrete Carpenters - at least 4 years experience

Construction site cleaner - worked on construction site before
Concrete carpenters will be working on various infrastructural

projects, small and large, in the civil engineering branch in the


Activities include the realization of data centers, bridges, viaducts,

sewage treatment facilities, underpasses, parking garages, noise barriers, embankments and other industrial concrete work.

Concrete carpenters have an executive, organizing and controlling role. They work independently under the direction of a foreman of contractor and coach/advise their colleagues in technical matters.

Concrete work

- measuring

- building, dismantling and moving forms

- processing concrete

- keeping a clean workplace

- placing precast units

Organizing daily work of colleagues

- preparing daily work (when/if in a executive role, dividing the workload within the team)

- making sure all needed equipment and materials are present

- monitoring quality, compliance to regulations and progress

- reporting to supervisor

Photo’s are not allowed!

Capacities and skills required:

Required level of technical knowledge and skills

- medium level of knowledge and skills in civil engineering

- advanced level of knowledge and skills in carpentry

- experience in and ability to operate technical equipment and machinery

- experience with and knowledge of materials

- experience with and knowledge of (safety) rules and regulations

- In possession of VCA (/SCC) certificate, or willing to acquire it

(Study material and exam provided by the client)

- Driving Licence B, mandatory 2 per team of 5. For local transport.

Own car is welcome, not mandatory.
Workers need to bring their own Hammer, nail apron, pencil and Tape measure.
Foreman: needs to be able to steer the team!
Foreign languages:
Working foremen are required to have a comprehensive understanding of the English language and speak it fluently, in order to receive and communicate instructions. The others need to be able to communicate in English.
Foreman: English - on Expert level / Fluent speaking and reading
Concrete carpenter and site-cleaner: Conversational English


Minimum guarantee of working hours(Garanția minimă de ore de lucru):

Minimum 40 hours per week

Over time: possible up to 4h per day

Working hours may vary. Day shift 07:00 – 16:00, 2- or 3-shifts 06:00 – 14:00 / 14:00 – 22:000 / 22:00 – 06:00. (Night shift not expected on this project)

Sunday is free. Saturday can be worked 12 hours, optional
Working hour / Shift

2 shifts 06:00 – 14:00 / 14:00 – 22:00 110%

3 shifts 06:00 – 14:00 / 14:00 – 22:00 / 22:00 – 06:00 115%

1st 3 extra hours 125%

> 3 extra hours between 05:00 – 21:00 150%

> 3 extra hours between 21:00 – 05:00 200%

Costul pentru VCA o sa li se deduca din salariu, treptat
Candidatii pot sa ajunga si la un salar de 3500 de euro net /luna


Recrutarea si plasarea fortei de munca in strainatate