Asistent/a de proiect (1 post Pitesti+ 1 post Resita)

Eptisa Romania

03-10-2012 | EXPIRA LA 02-11-2012

Job expirat


Eptisa Romania recruteaza 2 Asistente de proiect: 1 Resita si 1 Pitesti.

Acestea vor avea urmatoarele responsabilitati:
- Acordarea de asistenta directorului de proiect / coordonatorului de proiect,
- Organizarea activitatii biroului de proiect,
- Gestionarea documentelor si corespondentei din proiect,
- Activitati legate de traducerea textelor (limba engleza).


- Absolvent/a studii superioare,
- Avantaj experienta anterioara similara intr-o companie de consultanta in inginerie/ constructii,
- Cunostinte limba engleza de nivel mediu,
- Abilitati de operare PC: Pachet Office, Outlook, navigare internet,
- Permis auto - Categoria B,
- Abilitati de comunicare,
- Capacitatea de a gestiona mai multe sarcini in acelasi timp,
- Dinamic/a si bine organizat/a.


First Spanish private engineering and consulting group, more than 1,800 permanent employees, providing services in the transport, water infrastructure, civil construction, turn-key solutions, environmental policy, public administration reform and rural development sectors, currently operating in over 20 countries, is looking for suitable candidates to expand its activities in Romania through its subsidiary in Bucharest. Already into the Romanian market since 1996, we are looking for a dynamic and open person, capable of full integration in a multi national company and willingly to work within a team of high level of international and Romanian staff.