Job expirat
Coordinate the laboratory in accordance to strategic business direction.
Key responsibilities:
- Manages the preparation of samples to the laboratory.
- Maintain production levels per shift and ensure that response time is the appropriate Test Reports deadline.
- Establishes sample processing customer instructions when missing, incomplete or ambiguous It achieves this through close liaison with customer service.
- Provides maximum efficiency and productivity in the laboratory (ensuring resources are utilised effectively and efficiently, minimising wastage (e.g. solvent), reducing breakages (e.g. glassware), optimising the work hours within the laboratory, addressing staff moral and performance issues, informing the laboratory manager)
- Maintains close liaison with Laboratory Manager and other lab staff to ensure the smooth delivery of our services to clients.
- Identifies and resolves internal and external problems when they arise.
- Checks sample analyses correctness.
- Checks stocks of materials and reagents and place orders.
- Equitable and efficient distribution of samples/analyses for each laborant.
- Oversees the preparation of samples to be sent to subcontractors in accordance with COC.
- Prioritises ‘urgent’ and holding time critical work orders.
- Organizes employee scheduling and shift work in consultation with the Laboratory Manager.
- Screening and interviewing of potential new employees in consultation with the Laboratory Manager.
- Manages performance evaluations of employee, discipline and other issues what arise, in consultation with the Laboratory Manager.
- Provides the SOP for all methods and procedures used in the laboratory.
- Cooperation on quality control system in accordance with ISO 17025 and new training.
- Manages the service and routine maintenance of instruments.
- Uses correct methods in accordance with the establish procedures and programs how can ensure analytical data.
- To ensure the rules for safety are complied and comply with all ALS health and safety policies and procedures.
- Responsible for training of sample preparation staff and monitoring performance.
- To be familiar with the safety requirements as set out in the safety manual.
Other activities:
- Acts as backup for the Laboratory Manager during vacation and other absences.
- Sample preparation and measurement.
- Provides information and proposal for investments (CEP).
- Ensuring QC samples are processed at the required frequency.
- Waste material managing.
- Regulerly informs daily, weekly and monthly sample flow.
- Other duties related to the successful operation and administration of the Laboratory, as requested by the Laboratory Manager.
People Management 2 years (Experience with the management of a small team)
Chemistry or Science specialization
Knowledge of languages: English
PC skills- MS Office
Ability, skills, character requirements:
- Communication and presentation skills
- Customer oriented (external and internal)
- Target and quality of outputs oriented
- Rules keeping, reliability
- Teamwork
- Organization skills
- Enthusiasms and strong motivated person
LABORATOARELE TONNIE Srl. sunt o firmă cu capital integral privat românesc, înfiinţată în 1990 şi modificată în 1992, având ca principal obiect de activitate efectuarea de testări şi analize tehnice (CAEN v.2 7120) şi ca activităţi suplimentare consultanţă şi inginerie pentru epurarea apei (CAEN v.2 7112) şi activităţi de cercetare în biotehnologie (CAEN v.2 7211) şi ştiinţe naturale şi inginerie (CAEN v.2 7219).
LABORATOARELE TONNIE s-au dedicat domeniului analizei apei şi a factorilor mediului înconjurător. Noi am realizat şi suntem singurii producători români de reactivi specifici de analiză şi de truse de analiză adecvate majorităţii necesităţilor de măsurători analitice în laborator şi pe teren. In plus, noi avem propriul nostru Laborator de testări şi două laboratoare itinerant auto, care ne permit a oferi un pachet complet de servicii oriunde în ţară sau în afară.
Din 2015 Laboratoarele Tonnie face parte din ALS Life Science.
LABORATOARELE TONNIE au elaborat şi aplicat un sistem de management al calităţii şi al mediului, conform ISO 9001 şi 14001, certificat de CERTIND cu nr.l819C şi respectiv 501M, şi sunt acreditate de către RENAR ca laborator de analize specializat, conform ISO 17025.
LABORATOARELE TONNIE Srl. sunt pionieri în analize şi tratarea apelor şi au peste 20 de ani de experienţa în cercetare şi practica analizei apelor reziduale, condiţionarea şi tratarea apelor de răcire şi conservarea fluidelor pentru prelucrarea metalelor şi microbiologie industrială.