Job expirat
design and development high-quality software and software concepts for electronic products (EMBEDDED C, ANSI, ASM);
creation of structured and transferable software components;
assessment of the necessary requirements on the hardware;
development and implementation of signal processing algorithms;
development and implementation of user and communication interface;
implementation of development projects according to the V model;
creation of software coding and documentation;
creation of software tests;
automation of software tests;
creations of software specifications.
Candidate profile:
bachelor degree in computer science;
comprehensive experience in EMBEDDED software development of micro controllers;
extended experience in design of micro controller software;
very high understanding of C programming language;
experience in dealing with concepts of real-time operating
systems and hardware platforms without operating system;
knowledge in: electronics, IAR Compiler, Dubugger, Jenkins, ARM architecture, UML, Python;
proficient in English;
excellent teamwork and a structured way of working.
E T I M P U L S A F I I R E M A R C A T !
JobPartner. Pentru ca oamenii conteaza si pentru ca e timpul sa iubesti ziua de luni. Am creat JobPartner din dorinta de a fi mai aproape de oameni talentati ca tine, care merita sa intalneasca angajatori care iubesc si dezvolta cu adevarat oamenii.
La JobPartner veti avea parte de un candidate experience inedit, veti regasi dorinta de a descoperi si cunoaste potentialul maxim de care dispuneti, astfel incat sa va indreptam catre job-uri care vi se potrivesc cu adevarat.
Pentru ca pasiunea noastra pentru domeniul resurselor umane este una continua, suntem implicati activ inca din 2011 in furnizarea serviciilor de recrutare & selectie si consultanta in domeniul resurselor umane.
Pe langa activitatea de baza, unul dintre obiectivele noastre majore este protejarea datelor dumneavoastra personale si recomandam informarea cu privire la Politica de Confidentialitate -